

fighting for


So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. - Galatians 6:9


Desiree' Byrne is passionate about

  • fostering a local government in Youngtown that is highly engaged and connected with the community
  • actively reaching out to neighborhoods in the town, engaging in one-on-one discussions to understand the challenges faced and concerns of the residents
  • providing support and assistance whenever possible, empowering others with knowledge and resources
  • cultivating a true spirit of community, where every citizen feels heard, seen, and valued as no one was made to do life alone
  • eliminating any form of leadership that attacks those of differing opinions
  • creating a town government that respects and values the voices of all residents
  • focusing town resources and planning on the current residents alongside future development considerations
  • setting high standards of excellence
  • a town where everyone is given the opportunity to prosper, thrive, and enjoy life

Desiree’ believes YOUngtown is worth fighting for.



Young Woman with Wonder Face Holds Retro Phone

modernization & communication




Despite its historical significance and unique origin as a ranch, Youngtown has struggled with a lack of brand awareness. Many people are unaware of its existence, which hinders opportunities for economic growth and development. This small town is in dire need of public relations and marketing efforts to showcase its charm and draw in visitors, potential tenants for commercial properties, and homebuyers. By embracing its uniqueness and leveraging the expertise of someone like Desiree', Youngtown can effectively brand itself and establish a presence among its neighboring towns, attracting economic driving factors and securing a vibrant future for its residents.


Desiree' believes that by increasing transparency in government, elected officials can better serve the residents of Youngtown. She aims to do so through:

  • Recording and publicly posting town council meetings (removing the need for freedom of information requests)
  • Addressing audio issues during these meetings
  • Using various communication channels such as social media, her own website, and eblasts, to regularly update residents on matters that may affect them, upcoming events, and important news
  • Encouraging the town to utilize their online presence and newspaper to provide relevant information about town business

By implementing these measures, Desiree' aims to bridge the gap between the government and the residents of Youngtown, ensuring everyone receives the necessary information to participate in their community effectively.


By effectively utilizing market research, economic data, and resident input, Youngtown can determine its unique strengths and opportunities, allowing us the ability to create a distinct brand and atmosphere for the town. Similar to towns such as Wickenburg and Williams, such branding not only attracts businesses and tourists, but it also meets the needs and desires of the residents. By directly soliciting brands and businesses that align with our vision, we can ensure that Youngtown's future development is in line with the community's goals and preferences. This proactive approach will help Youngtown overcome its identity crisis and transform into a desirable destination for both residents and visitors alike.


For three years, Desiree' has found immense joy in her life in Youngtown, thanks to its peaceful and friendly atmosphere. Her family initially discovered Youngtown when they were searching for a home to buy that remained within Peoria Unified School District boundaries, where their children were enrolled. In 2023, her curiosity about local government led her to attend the Youngtown Citizens Academy, igniting her interest in the decision-making process. As Desiree' delved into the proposed Ulysses Development Group's apartments, she had concerns.

In an effort to inform her community, Desiree' dedicated herself to visiting over 700 homes, distributing flyers about the development. Concurrently, she launched an online petition, which gained substantial support with hundreds of signatures. At the crucial December 7th town council meeting, the community made their presence known, with explosive attendance and many public comments. Despite their remarkable efforts, five out of the seven council members approved the project, leaving Desiree' disheartened but resolute in her commitment to representing the will of the people.

Undeterred, Desiree' filed a referendum and formed a group of like-minded volunteers, working tirelessly alongside the community for an entire month. Collectively, their aim was to ensure that the voice of the people resonated loudly and clearly. On January 8th, she submitted 125% of the required number of signatures to the town clerk for review.

Small Town Roots
Experienced Business Leader
God Family Oriented

small town roots

Desiree' Byrne's midwest roots run deep. Being born in a small farming community in Missouri, and spending much of her formative years in a nearby city in Illinois, provided her with a deep appreciation for hard work and love of country.

As a direct descendant of the infamous Hatfields, known for their feud with the McCoys, the legacy of her ancestors are mirrored in Desiree’s resilience, determination, and fierce loyalty.

Living in small town America had and continues to have its advantages. The tight-knit community instilled in Desiree’ a sense of belonging and camaraderie. She grew up knowing her neighbors, their triumphs, and their struggles, fostering a deep love and a commitment to serving others. She recognizes people as the most valuable asset in any community.

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desiree’s favorite things from the midwest include family time, fishing, goulash, fried chicken, & giant pork tenderloin sandwiches, in addition to picking for antiques & cheap firework stands in surplus.

experienced business leader

Retro American Wavy Flag Symbol

Desiree' Byrne's natural leadership qualities have been evident since her school days. This innate ability has propelled her to excel in various fields throughout her career. Beginning as a professional negotiator for the healthcare industry, Desiree' successfully represented large health insurance providers and their patients, consistently achieving remarkable results in advocating for lowered medical bills and securing cost-saving contracts. Her decade-long experience in this role helped her develop exceptional skills in negotiation and advocacy.

Desiree' then ventured into the event production industry, establishing her own business in 2013. Her company successfully organized a multitude of events, some with budgets in the multimillion-dollar range, and attracted hundreds of thousands of attendees annually. One of Desiree's event brands became so popular that she was commissioned as the lead designer for artwork carried by numerous major department stores nationally. As COVID-19 severely impacted the events industry, Desiree' was forced to pivot her focus. Utilizing her financial acumen and meticulous attention to detail, she became licensed as a mortgage loan advisor in over a dozen states. Despite this shift, Desiree' persevered and continued to run her event production company, securing or maintaining contracts with major municipalities in the West Valley. Her impressive track record has earned her numerous awards, including recognition as a top entrepreneur by the Arizona Republic.

Apart from her professional accomplishments, Desiree' has always been deeply committed to philanthropy. Her efforts date back to her childhood, with a long history of volunteering for church organizations and participating in service missions to foreign countries. She currently operates as the President of Liberty High School’s booster club, STAR Autism Academy’s booster club, in addition to having had the privilege of working with a variety of other notable nonprofit organizations such as Make a Wish, St Vincent de Paul, Los Ninos Hospital, Treasure House, Teen Challenge, PBS, Arizona Helping Hands, and Maggie’s Place. Desiree' embodies the qualities of a passionate and driven individual who uses her skills and position to make a positive impact in both her professional and philanthropic endeavors.

god and family oriented

Desiree’ and Jim's love story is one for the books. From the moment they met while working alongside one another at Applebee’s, their respect for and admiration of one another took deep roots. Their love for one another and their commitment to Christ create a solid foundation for their family. Despite the demands of Jim’s profession as a high school principal, and Desiree’s career in mortgage lending, they are always present in their children's lives, creating a loving and supportive environment for their family to thrive.

In February, Desiree’ and Jim will celebrate their 19th wedding anniversary. Keeping God first has grounded them as a couple and as a family. They have had the pleasure of attending Christ's Church of the Valley for nearly fifteen years, where they have served in multiple capacities, including leading a bible study for families of special needs children and adults.

The Byrnes are committed to walking in integrity and leading through service. Their love for each other, their children, and their community is evident in everything they do, making them a truly blessed family.

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“Desiree' Byrne is an exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable woman who demonstrates unwavering competence in addressing complex matters. Her depth of understanding accompanied by her commitment to research and learn ensures that she can make informed decisions for the betterment of her community. “

Heather Rooks

Peoria Unified School Board Member

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endorsed by

"Desiree' Byrne is an incredibly effective communicator who can clearly and compellingly convey her message, whether it be in public speaking or one on one. She consistently maintains a professional and respectful demeanor in all interactions."

Johnjay & Blake Van Es

Morning Show Host on KISS FM, Founders of Johnjay & Rich LoveUp Foundation and #LovePup Foundation

Veterans Day USA illustration

“I wholeheartedly endorse Desiree' Byrne for her unwavering courage in the face of adversity. Her willingness to take risks, make tough decisions, and do the hard work that’s required, putting people before special interests, sets her apart as a true leader who will selflessly address the challenges Youngtown confronts.”

Councilmember Brad Shafer, MBA, LSSBB

City of Peoria - Mesquite District

USAF Veteran

Veterans Day USA illustration

“Desiree' Byrne's collaborative skills are unmatched. Her ability to bring together diverse groups, build coalitions, and negotiate effectively make her the ideal council candidate for achieving her community’s goals. “

Stephanie Vasquez

Owner and Founder

Fair Trade Cafe & ELLA (Empowering Latina Leaders in Arizona)

Veterans Day USA illustration


Jan 8th Deadline for Ulysses Development Group Related Referendum Petition Filing

Feb 1st Town Council Meeting 5:30PM 12033 N. Clubhouse Square

Feb 15th Town Council Meeting 5:30PM 12033 N. Clubhouse Square

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you can speak at any town council meeting about any subject related to youngtown. Simply fill out a public comment form (found in the back of the room). turn it in to the town clerk, and wait to be called to the microphone.



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fighting for



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Paid for by Byrne Fighting for YOUngtown